Team Profile


“I enjoy every moment of the Challenge”

“I can practice my speaking prowess”

“I’m giving the best in what I do”

 “I’ve dreamt once I can take hold of my dad’s camera, and this is it” 
 “Joining the team again would mean another try, this time,aim for the best” 

 “Piece of cake!!"
Computer Expert

“Let’s beat the odds and stay focused!!”

 Teacher Coaches

Joy B. Bergonio 
“The Beautiful”
Assists in the gathering of data and in creating write-ups.

Josefina J. Reyes
“Down- to-Earth”
Assists in the gathering of data and in editing of the narratives written.  

 Charina S. Factor
“La Petite”
Supervises and assists in the formation of the blog design and in editing photos and videos.